Club Princess: Royal Bastards MC Durango, CO Read online

Page 15

  The sound of a fit of coughing carries to me over the rhythmic slapping of the wipers, and I look in the rearview mirror. Lola is up on an elbow, looking like she’s ready to vomit.

  I hit the brakes, and pull to the shoulder under the overpass. Coming out of the rain, it’s suddenly quiet in the cab, and I flick the wipers off, twisting to look back. “Babe, are you okay?”

  She’s clawing at the door handle. “Let me out.”

  I jump out, and dash around, yanking her door open, and helping her out. She clutches at me, unsteady on her feet. “Can you stand, darlin’?”

  She nods, and takes in deep breaths, one palm on the side of the truck, and one clutching my hand tightly.

  “My head was spinning, that’s all.” She looks up at me, the fresh air clearing her head. “You’re here. I thought I was dreaming it all.”

  I smile, and nod, and she bursts into tears.

  I take her in my arms, and she clings to me. “You’re safe now, baby girl. I’ve got you. It’s all over.”

  “I was so scared. I was afraid they were going to move me again. I heard the roar of the bikes far away coming closer. I prayed it was the Royal Bastards.”

  “It was.”

  “Then the sound stopped.”

  I nod. “We bailed, and took to the woods.”

  She frowns, her eyes searching the ground. “They drugged me again, didn’t they? I remember one of them coming toward me with a needle again.”

  I take her face in my hands, and make her look at me. “Do you know what they gave you?”

  She shakes her head.

  “Are you okay? There’s a clinic about five miles from here. I was headed that way, but the damn storm…”

  “I don’t need a doctor.” Her hands fist in my shirt. “You came for me.”

  “Of course I did.”

  “But how did you know?”

  “I rode back to the clubhouse, planned to tell Rock that I wanted to join the Durango Chapter, permanently. Walked into a shit-show. They were frantically planning an assault mission to get you back.”

  She frowns again. “Wait. You want to join my dad’s Chapter? For real?”

  “Damn straight.”

  She stares up at me, and then clutches me. “I feel lightheaded.”

  “I’ve got you, baby.” I hold her face in my hands, and press kisses all over it, murmuring softly between touches. “I thought I’d lost you. I was scared to death I would be too late. Sweet Lola. My baby.”

  She wraps her arms around my middle, and buries her face in my chest. “I was so afraid I’d never see you again.”

  I stroke her hair. “I’m here. I’ve got you, sweetheart.”

  She sobs against me.

  “It’s over now, Lola. It’s all over. You’re safe.”

  Finally she gathers herself, and pulls back, staring up at me strangely. “You’re really going to give up being a Nomad?”

  I nod once. “I’m done with the road, Lola. I love you. If you’ll have me, I want to stick around, give puttin’ down roots a try, and give us a chance.”

  “You’re really serious?”

  “Yes. From the moment we met, it’s been you, Lola.”

  She throws her arms around me. “I love you, Memphis.”

  “I love you, too, baby. More than you’ll ever know.”

  I kiss her then, and there’s no hesitation on either side, no testing of the ground to see if it can support what’s being built on it. We both just know. It’s a coming together of two equally strong forces; a union that we both know instinctively will last a lifetime.

  “I love when you hold me, honey,” she murmurs.

  “Lola, these arms will be here to hold you through any pain life throws at us.”

  We come apart slowly, each seeking a reaction in the eyes of the other. But no words are necessary, because we both know to the depths of our beings that this is right, this is strong, and this is forever.

  I grin at her, and she gives me back that radiant smile that will light my life until the day I die. And I’m good with that.



  A fire crackles in the stone hearth, radiating heat. Outside the hunting cabin, an autumn wind blows. Rock let us use the place for our honeymoon. I always loved coming here as a child.

  I sit cross-legged on a braided rug in front of the fireplace, twirling the wedding ring on my finger mindlessly. Its grown dark outside, but I haven’t bothered to turn on any lights, my thoughts absorbed by the news Memphis just related.

  His long body is relaxed back in the overstuffed armchair next to me, his face within the fringes of the dancing firelight. He absently rubs a forefinger across his mouth, and the gold band two fingers over glints. But it’s the troubled darkness within those hooded eyes that shows my husband is not as peaceful as he appears.

  “Have you decided?” I ask quietly.

  He shakes his head. “She just called this afternoon.”

  “Why did you wait until now to tell me?”

  “Kayla called when you were napping. Then—I don’t know—I guess I needed time to absorb it.”

  “Where did she find your mother?”

  “She didn’t. The detective she hired tracked her to Tupelo.”

  “Are you going to meet her?”

  He shrugs. “I don’t know.”

  “Surely, after all these years, you can give the woman a chance,” I murmur, trying to keep my voice in a level tone. He glances at the clock.

  “My sister’s probably meeting with her now.” Memphis reaches into the kindling box near the hearth and takes out a twig, absently snapping off pieces and tossing them, one by one, into the fire.

  There’s a long run of silence, and I study him. I understand the steely reserve that covers his face, hiding the tension and fear beneath its surface. He’s afraid to hope, afraid to open up to the possibility of pain again.

  On impulse I reach out to clasp his hand, wishing I could take some of that anxiety from him.

  Finally, he whispers, “She wants to video chat with me.”

  “Are you going to take the call?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Honey, you need to.”

  “I’d better put another log on,” he says, ignoring my comment as he rolls to his feet, stretching slightly to ease the tautness of his muscles.

  “I’ll make some coffee,” I say, also rising.

  The fire blazes cheerfully, lightening the room and the atmosphere when I return with two steaming mugs. Memphis stands by the hearth, his shoulder to the mantle. I pass him one of the cups and stay, standing in front of the blaze, watching the yellow flames crawl over the bark of a new log.

  “There’s nothing like a fire with the first snap of fall in the air, is there?” Memphis remarks idly, and sips the rich brew.

  “Nothing.” When a low chuckle comes from him, I glance over curiously.

  “I was just remembering how right before the wedding, your brother threatened to kill me if I ever hurt you. Said he’d string me up and coat me in honey. Said if the bears didn’t get me, the bees would,” Memphis says, grinning.

  I smile; glad my brother recovered from the gunshot and that my father had the good sense to bring along the club’s doctor, who’d treated him onsite. The doctor had also seen to it Trez entered into a reputable drug treatment facility, and he’s been doing well. As part of that treatment, he and my father have gone into therapy over my mother’s death, and things are improving. I’m so happy to have my family healing.

  Memphis studies me.

  “What?” I ask, frowning.

  He shakes his head as if to dismiss it, and then says, “Just that I like the way your face softens when you smile.”

  “Hmm, compliments, tell me more.” The coffee is too hot to drink, so I set my mug on the mantle and hold my hands out to the fire’s warmth.

  I feel his gaze move over me. “You look sexy as hell in that off the shoulder sweater and those w
orn, faded Levi’s. And you’ve got a phenomenal ass, babe.”

  I lift my brow. “You’re not so bad yourself, husband.”

  He grins, but it fades as he watches me intently. “You know I want you to be happy, don’t you?”

  I turn back to the fire and nod.

  “What is it you want in life, Lola?”

  I grow thoughtful at his question, pulling my hands back and shoving them into my hip pockets while I stare into the crackling flames. “I don’t need much, Memphis. Just lots of moments like this one.”

  “Sweetheart, I’ll give you as many as I can. But surely, that’s not all you want.”

  I turn my head to look at him. “What more can I want than what I’ve got right now? What’s better than this? You, a warm fire, our future ahead of us, my family back together, and a baby on the way.”

  His lips part at my last words.

  Moving slowly, Memphis set his coffee cup on the mantel next to mine, his gaze never leaving my face.

  He murmurs, “Lola,” in a smooth, stroking voice and curves his hand to the back of my head, holding it gently, then his eyes drop to my still-flat belly. “A baby, are you sure?”

  I nod, smiling and lift my head that last inch to meet his mouth, swaying into him, while his enfolding arms gather me in.

  He’s solid and strong, and the scent of him soothes me.

  “I love you, Lola,” he murmurs into the hair at my temple.

  I close my eyes and listen to his heartbeat, soaking this moment in and wondering how I could ever be happier than I am right now.

  His phone goes off, but he hesitates moving, then finally releases me to pull it from his back pocket, and stare down at the screen. His thumb hovers over the connect button.

  I watch him wrestle with the decision on whether to open himself to his past and all its wounds again. Finally, he hits connect, and the other two significant women in his life appear on the screen.

  I step back, giving him time and space to make the most important connection he’ll ever make, to a mother he barely remembers.

  They talk and cry, she explains that she was young, alone and broke, and she begs his forgiveness. Memphis, with his heart full from our wedding, and the news I just gave him, gives that forgiveness, and informs his mother and sister of our coming child.

  I smile, my eyes filling with tears, and my heart full. Life has ups and down, but today is a good day, a very good day, and there’ll never be a day I take for granted. I know how precious life is.

  Leaves patters against the windowpanes, calling me, and I move to look out the steamed glass, parting the curtain, and see the lake in the distance, its surface as smooth as glass. I stare up at the inky dark sky; a million stars like diamonds tossed on velvet sparkle back.

  “Thank you for sending him to me, Mama,” I see a shooting star, and smile, remembering what I’d been told that day at Ms. Mirvana’s. Look around you; the signs that I am with you are everywhere. I stare up, and whisper, “I’m going to have a baby, Mama, but I think you already know that. Perhaps you sent the child to me, too. I’ll love them both with all my heart, I promise.”

  And in that moment I know a contentment I’ll carry all through my life, and it will see me through whatever life holds in store for this little family Memphis and I are building, because we’re building it on solid ground. There will be laughter in our house, this I swear, love and laughter and happily ever after.

  I turn, and meet Memphis’s eyes, and he winks at me. I go to him, tuck my head under his chin, and let him enfold me in his embrace.

  And that’s all I need.



  I move to the bed with a steaming mug of coffee, and sit on the edge, shaking Lola’s hip. “Wake up, sleeping beauty.”

  She rolls over, inhaling the aroma of the coffee, and sits up, taking the cup I offer. After a long sip, she smiles. “Are you going to bring me coffee in bed every morning, husband?”

  I grin, and take the mug to set it down on the nightstand. “Absolutely.”

  She frowns. “You’re up early. What time is it?”

  I stand, and grab one of my flannel shirts off a chair, tossing it to her. “Here, put this on. Got a surprise for you.”

  “A surprise? For me?”

  “Umm hmm, a wedding present. Come on.”

  She climbs naked from the bed, and slips the shirt on snapping it up. I take her hand, and lead her to the front door, then push her in front of me, and cover her eyes. “It’s a surprise. No peeking.”

  We move out the door, and down the steps, where I pull my hands free.

  She takes in the gleaming red GTO with the big bow on top, then squeals, and turns, flinging her arms around me. “You bought me the GTO!”

  I grin at the happiness on her face, knowing I’ll live everyday trying to keep her this way. “Had Darko bring it up here early this morning.”

  “I love you.” She covers my face in kisses.

  I lift a brow. “You better. This car cost a mint.”

  “Thank you, honey.” Her smile fades. “But I don’t have a wedding gift for you.”

  I back her up against the hood, a gleam in my eyes, and she grins. “Turn around, and bend over,” I say quietly, my gaze burning into hers.

  She blinks in shock at me, her pretty lips opening wide. “What?”

  “Bend. Over.”

  She gives a sly smile, and gives me what I want, bending deep over the hood with that tight little ass up in the air, the flannel shirt barely covering it.

  She gasps as I grab the shirttail and flip it up, flashing her sweet little naked ass to my hungry eyes. Her firm round cheeks thrust high.

  “Spread your legs.”

  She does as I ask, and I can see glistening moisture on those soft pink petal lips revealed to me. She shivers in anticipation. Fuck, that has my cock throbbing and hard as steel, and I know damn well she can feel it as I press against her.

  I want her to feel it, and to know how hard she makes me.

  She pushes back against me, undulating, and I yank my zipper down, pulling my cock out. “You’re not going to drive this car fast, are you?” I growl low, my jaw tight as my cock pulses against her body. I let my hand smack down on one cheek, and a gasp tumbles from her lips. “Are you?”

  “No, I swear.”

  “You’re going to drive slow and safe. Understand me?” She nods, but that’s not good enough, not when she’s carrying my child. I want her to know I mean business. I bend over her, and put my mouth to her ear. “Understand me?”

  “Yes, Memphis,” she pants, slowly turning her head to look at me with those big blue eyes and dark lashes that suck me under every damn time.

  The raw need for her pulses through me, and the desire I feel to give her everything in life she wants overcomes me. I sink into her, giving her every inch of me, and that pretty mouth of hers forms a perfect O, her eyes drift closed, and she goes up on her toes.

  I wrap one arm around her, and dip my hand between her legs, my fingers searching to find that sensitive nub. I rub lazy circles around it until she’s whimpering and moving against me, begging for more.

  “Do you love me?” I ask.

  “Yes,” she pants.

  “How much?”

  “So much, baby.”

  Once I have her so worked up I know she’s about to explode, I grab her hips in my big hands, and begin to move inside her, slowly, drawing it out, wanting her to feel every inch of me dragging over her sensitive nerves. She writhes, needing more intensity.

  “Memphis, please,” she pants.

  I release her hips, and skim my hands up her body to close over the big globes of her breasts, and squeeze as I increase my speed and power.

  “Oh, yes, baby.” She gasps in a breath, presses her palms on the hood, and arches back against me, her face to the sky.

  “I love you, Lola.”

  She twists her head, seeking out my mouth, and I don’t hesitate to give her w
hat she wants. I cup her face, and pull her that last inch to meet my mouth. Our lips crash together, her soft moan teasing through me.

  I seek out her nipples, and rub and pinch them, increasing my thrusts again until we both go flying over the edge in a free-fall of ecstasy.

  I collapse against her, pinning her soft body to the hood. Pushing her long blonde locks aside, I kiss her spine and the base of her neck, and then I pull back, and yank up my jeans. Scooping her up, I toss her in my hold, and she giggles, pointing down to the hood of the car where two perfect imprints of her phenomenal tits are outlined in the morning dew.

  I carry her up the steps, our laugher following us inside.

  She’s my heart. My life. My goddamn everything, and I know I’ll never let her go.


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  Book #2: Climbing the Ranks: Royal Bastards MC, Durango, CO (Pre-order link)